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Close Project:Outputs   项目收尾:成果   1 Administrative Closure Procedure   行政收尾程序   This procedure contains all the activities and the related roles and responsibilities of the project team members in


Close Project:Outputs
  1 Administrative Closure Procedure
  This procedure contains all the activities and the related roles and responsibilities of the project team members involved in executing the administrative closure procedure.The procedures to transfer the project products or services to production and/or operations are developed and established.This procedure provides a step-by-step methodology for administrative closure that addresses:
  Actions and activities to define the stakeholder approval requirements for changes and all levels of deliverables
  Actions and activities that are necessary to confirm that the project has met all sponsor,customer,and other stakeholders'requirements,verify that all deliverables have been provided and accepted,and validate that completion and exit criteria have been met
  Actions and activities necessary to satisfy completion or exit criteria for the project.
  2 Contract Closure Procedure
  This procedure is developed to provide a step-by-step methodology that addresses the terms and conditions of the contracts and any required completion or exit criteria for contract closure.It contains all activities and related responsibilities of the project team members,customers,and other stakeholders involved in the contract closure process.The actions performed formally close all contacts associated with the completed project.
  3 Final Product,Service,or Result
  Formal acceptance and handover of the final product,service,or result that the project was authorized to produce.The acceptance includes receipt of a formal statement that the terms of the contract have been met.
  4 Organizational Process Assets(Updates)
  Closure will include the development of the index and location of project documentation using the configuration management system.
  Formal Acceptance Documentation.Formal confirmation has been received from the customer or sponsor that customer requirements and specifications for the project's product,service,or result have been met.This document formally indicates that the customer or sponsor has officially accepted the deliverables.
  Project Files.Documentation resulting from the project's activities;for example,project management plan,scope,cost,schedule and quality baselines,project calendars,risk registers,planned risk response actions,and risk impact.
  Project Closure Documents.Project closure documents consist of formal documentation indicating completion of the project and the transfer of the completed project deliverables to others,such as an operations group.If the project was terminated prior to completion,the formal documentation indicates why the project was terminated,and formalizes the procedures for the transfer of the finished and unfinished deliverables of the cancelled project to others.
  Historical Information.Historical information and lessons learned information are transferred to the lessons learned knowledge base for use by future projects.
