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2023年11月信息安全工程师(模拟题二) 上午试卷之二十四

作者:wx611cbc2c011022023-12-07 01:00:15
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摘要:对于【信息安全工程师】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2023年11月信息安全工程师(模拟题二) 上午试卷】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、为保护Android系统及应用终端平台安全,Android系

摘要:对于【信息安全工程师】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2023年11月信息安全工程师(模拟题二) 上午试卷】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~

1、为保护Android系统及应用终端平台安全,Android系统集成了多中安全机制。(70)使应用程序和其相应运行的 Dalvik虚拟机都运行在独立的 Linux进程空间,不与其他应用程序交叉,实现完全隔离。
A、 权限申明机制
B、 应用程序签名机制
C、 沙箱机制
D、 内核安全机制


沙箱隔离机制使应用程序和其相应运行的 Dalvik虚拟机都运行在独立的 Linux进程空间,不与其他应用程序交叉,实现完全隔离。 Android沙箱的本质是为了实现不同应用程序和进程之间的互相隔离。

2、Perhaps the most obvious difference between private-key and public-key encryption is that the former assumes complete secrecy of all cryptographic keys,whereas the latter requires secrecy for only the private key.Although this may seem like a minor distinction,the ramifications are huge:in the private-key setting the communicating parties must somehow be able to share the (71) key without allowing any third party to learn it,whereas in the public-key setting the (72) key can be sent from one party to the other over a public channel without compromising security.For parties shouting across a room or,more realistically,communicating over a public network like a phone line or the Internet,public-key encryption is the only option.Another important distinction is that private-key encryption schemes use the (73) key for both encryption and decryption,whereas public-key encryption schemes use (74) keys for each operation.That is,public-key encryption is inherently asymmetric.This asymmetry in the public-key setting means that the roles of sender and receiver are not interchangeable as they are in the private-key setting;a single key-pair allows communication in one direction only.(Bidirectional communication can be achieved in a number of ways;the point is that a single invocation of a public-key encryption scheme forces a distinction between one user who acts as a receiver and other users who act as senders.)In addition,a single instance of a (75) encryption scheme enables multiple senders to communicate privately with a single receiver,in contrast to the private-key case where a secret key shared between two parties enables private communication only between those two parties.
A、 main
B、 same
C、 public
D、 secret



3、Perhaps the most obvious difference between private-key and public-key encryption is that the former assumes complete secrecy of all cryptographic keys,whereas the latter requires secrecy for only the private key.Although this may seem like a minor distinction,the ramifications are huge:in the private-key setting the communicating parties must somehow be able to share the (71) key without allowing any third party to learn it,whereas in the public-key setting the (72) key can be sent from one party to the other over a public channel without compromising security.For parties shouting across a room or,more realistically,communicating over a public network like a phone line or the Internet,public-key encryption is the only option.Another important distinction is that private-key encryption schemes use the (73) key for both encryption and decryption,whereas public-key encryption schemes use (74) keys for each operation.That is,public-key encryption is inherently asymmetric.This asymmetry in the public-key setting means that the roles of sender and receiver are not interchangeable as they are in the private-key setting;a single key-pair allows communication in one direction only.(Bidirectional communication can be achieved in a number of ways;the point is that a single invocation of a public-key encryption scheme forces a distinction between one user who acts as a receiver and other users who act as senders.)In addition,a single instance of a (75) encryption scheme enables multiple senders to communicate privately with a single receiver,in contrast to the private-key case where a secret key shared between two parties enables private communication only between those two parties.
A、 stream
B、 different
C、 public
D、 secret





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