2023年5月软件设计师 模拟二 上午之二十五

摘要:对于【软件设计师】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2023年5月软件设计师 模拟二 上午】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、Why Have Formal Documents?Finally, writ

1、Why Have Formal Documents?Finally, writing the decisions down is essential. Only when one writes do the gaps appear and the (71) protrude(突出). The act of writing turns out to require hundreds of mini-decisions, and it is the existence of these that distinguishes clear, exact policies from fuzzy ones.Second, the documents will communicate the decisions to others. The manager will be continually amazed that policies he took for common knowledge are totally unknown by some member of his team. Since his fundamental job is to keep everybody going in the (72) direction, his chief daily task will be communication, not decision-making, and his documents will immensely (73) this load.Finally, a manager’s documents give him a data base and checklist. By reviewing them (74) he sees where he is, and he sees what changes of emphasis or shifts in direction are needed.The task of the manager is to develop a plan and then to realize it. But only the written plan is precise and communicable. Such a plan consists of documents on what, when, how much, where, and who. This small set of critical documents (75) much of the manager’s work. If their comprehensive and critical nature is recognized in the beginning, the manager can approach them as friendly tools rather than annoying busywork. He will set his direction much more crisply and quickly by doing so..
(73) A 延伸 B 拓宽 C 减轻 D 释放
2、Why Have Formal Documents?Finally, writing the decisions down is essential. Only when one writes do the gaps appear and the (71) protrude(突出). The act of writing turns out to require hundreds of mini-decisions, and it is the existence of these that distinguishes clear, exact policies from fuzzy ones.Second, the documents will communicate the decisions to others. The manager will be continually amazed that policies he took for common knowledge are totally unknown by some member of his team. Since his fundamental job is to keep everybody going in the (72) direction, his chief daily task will be communication, not decision-making, and his documents will immensely (73) this load.Finally, a manager’s documents give him a data base and checklist. By reviewing them (74) he sees where he is, and he sees what changes of emphasis or shifts in direction are needed.The task of the manager is to develop a plan and then to realize it. But only the written plan is precise and communicable. Such a plan consists of documents on what, when, how much, where, and who. This small set of critical documents (75) much of the manager’s work. If their comprehensive and critical nature is recognized in the beginning, the manager can approach them as friendly tools rather than annoying busywork. He will set his direction much more crisply and quickly by doing so..
(74) A 定期地 B 偶然地 C 稀少地D 罕有地
3、Why Have Formal Documents?Finally, writing the decisions down is essential. Only when one writes do the gaps appear and the (71) protrude(突出). The act of writing turns out to require hundreds of mini-decisions, and it is the existence of these that distinguishes clear, exact policies from fuzzy ones.Second, the documents will communicate the decisions to others. The manager will be continually amazed that policies he took for common knowledge are totally unknown by some member of his team. Since his fundamental job is to keep everybody going in the (72) direction, his chief daily task will be communication, not decision-making, and his documents will immensely (73) this load.Finally, a manager’s documents give him a data base and checklist. By reviewing them (74) he sees where he is, and he sees what changes of emphasis or shifts in direction are needed.The task of the manager is to develop a plan and then to realize it. But only the written plan is precise and communicable. Such a plan consists of documents on what, when, how much, where, and who. This small set of critical documents (75) much of the manager’s work. If their comprehensive and critical nature is recognized in the beginning, the manager can approach them as friendly tools rather than annoying busywork. He will set his direction much more crisply and quickly by doing so..
A、 decides
B、 encapsulates
(75) A 决定 B 封装 C 实现 D 认出
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