
摘要:对于【网络工程师】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2021年5月网络工程师上午(一)】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、BGP is an inter-autonomous system routing

1、BGP is an inter-autonomous system routing protocol;It is designed to be used between multiple autonomous ___71___. BGP assumes that routing within an autonomous system is done by an inter-autonomous system routing protocol. BGP does not make any assumptions about inter-autonomous system ___72___ protocols employed by the various autonomous systems. Specifically, BGP does not require all autonomous systems to run the same inter-autonomous system routing protocol.BGP is a real inter-autonomous system routing protocol. It imposes no constraints on the underlying Internet topology. The information exchanged via BGP is sufficient to construct a graph of autonomous systems connectivity from which routing loops may be pruned and some routing. ___73___ decisions at the autonomous system level may be enforced.The key feature of the protocol is the notion of Path Attributes. This feature provides BGP with flexibility and expandability. Path ___74___ are partitioned into well-known and optional. The provision for optional attributes allows experimentation that may involve a group of BGP ___75___without affecting the rest of the Internet. New optional attributes can be added to the protocol in much the same fashion as new options are added to the Telnet protocol, for instance.
2、BGP is an inter-autonomous system routing protocol;It is designed to be used between multiple autonomous ___71___. BGP assumes that routing within an autonomous system is done by an inter-autonomous system routing protocol. BGP does not make any assumptions about inter-autonomous system ___72___ protocols employed by the various autonomous systems. Specifically, BGP does not require all autonomous systems to run the same inter-autonomous system routing protocol.BGP is a real inter-autonomous system routing protocol. It imposes no constraints on the underlying Internet topology. The information exchanged via BGP is sufficient to construct a graph of autonomous systems connectivity from which routing loops may be pruned and some routing. ___73___ decisions at the autonomous system level may be enforced.The key feature of the protocol is the notion of Path Attributes. This feature provides BGP with flexibility and expandability. Path ___74___ are partitioned into well-known and optional. The provision for optional attributes allows experimentation that may involve a group of BGP ___75___without affecting the rest of the Internet. New optional attributes can be added to the protocol in much the same fashion as new options are added to the Telnet protocol, for instance.
3、BGP is an inter-autonomous system routing protocol;It is designed to be used between multiple autonomous ___71___. BGP assumes that routing within an autonomous system is done by an inter-autonomous system routing protocol. BGP does not make any assumptions about inter-autonomous system ___72___ protocols employed by the various autonomous systems. Specifically, BGP does not require all autonomous systems to run the same inter-autonomous system routing protocol.BGP is a real inter-autonomous system routing protocol. It imposes no constraints on the underlying Internet topology. The information exchanged via BGP is sufficient to construct a graph of autonomous systems connectivity from which routing loops may be pruned and some routing. ___73___ decisions at the autonomous system level may be enforced.The key feature of the protocol is the notion of Path Attributes. This feature provides BGP with flexibility and expandability. Path ___74___ are partitioned into well-known and optional. The provision for optional attributes allows experimentation that may involve a group of BGP ___75___without affecting the rest of the Internet. New optional attributes can be added to the protocol in much the same fashion as new options are added to the Telnet protocol, for instance.
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