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作者:wx611cbc2c011022024-01-01 01:00:13
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1、近年来,第五代移动通信系统5G已经成为通信业和学术界探讨的热点。2019 年我国在多地展开了5G 试点,预计未来的5G网络能为用户提供( )的传输速率。
A、 100M
B、 1G
C、 10G
D、 1T


2、An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include (请作答此空), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and ( ). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the ( ). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data( )are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of (  ), we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server.
A、 logical DFDs and ERD
B、 ideal object model and analysis class model
C、 use case models and interface prototypes
D、 physical DFDs and database schema


3、An application architecture specifies the technologies to be used to implement one or more information systems. It serves as an outline for detailed design, construction, and implementation. Given the models and details, include ( ), we can distribute data and processes to create a general design of application architecture. The design will normally be constrained by architecture standards, project objectives, and (请作答此空). The first physical DFD to be drawn is the ( ). The next step is to distribute data stores to different processors. Data( )are two types of distributed data which most RDBMSs support. There are many distribution options used in data distribution. In the case of( ), we should record each table as a data store on the physical DFD and connect each to the appropriate server.
A、 the database management system
B、 the feasibility of techniques used
C、 the network topology and technology
D、 the user interface and process methods



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