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摘要:对于【软件设计师】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2018年11月软件设计师考试模拟题上午(一)】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、System analysis is traditionally do


1、System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on( ). Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of theanalysis model are( ). There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.(请作答此空)focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the(  )of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.(  )addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.
A、 Static analysis
B、 Semantic analysis
C、 Scope analysis
D、 Domain analysis



2、System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on( ). Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of theanalysis model are( ). There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.( )focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the(请作答此空)of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.(  )addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.
A、 static structure
B、 system components
C、 data flows
D、 program procedures



3、System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on( ). Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of theanalysis model are( ). There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.( )focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructedin the requirement analysis shows the( )of the real-world system and organizes it intoworkable pieces.(请作答此空)addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible tousers. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.
A、 Program analysis
B、 Function requirement
C、 Application analysis
D、 Physical model




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