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作者:wx6225b14cdec172023-12-06 01:00:14
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摘要:对于【软件设计师】软考考试而言,真题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透真题、掌握真题所考知识点、熟悉真题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对真题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2021年11月软件设计师上午题】部分真题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、【51CTO学院-学员回忆版】DerOps is a continuous simp


1、【51CTO学院-学员回忆版】DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their (71). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing (72) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually (73) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a(74) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to (75) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
A、 developed
B、 functional
C、 constructed
D、 secure


2、【51CTO学院-学员回忆版】DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their (71). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing (72) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually (73) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a(74) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to (75) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
A、 single
B、 whole
C、 continuous
D、 independent


3、【51CTO学院-学员回忆版】DerOps is a continuous simplification process of maintaining a delicate balance among functionality, usability and security of a software both in terms of its development and oprations. Software engineering is the application of diverse engineering approaches towards the development of software.The roles and responsibilities of DevOps and software development overlap in many arcas.so it is easier to get confused between the two.Let's look at this comparison in term of work roles.One is that of a software engineer and the other is a DevOps engineer. The biggest different is in their (71). Software engineers focus on how well the computer software fits the needs of the client while a DevOps engineer has a broader focus that includes software development, how the software is deployed and providing (72) support through the cloudwhile the software is continually (73) .A software engineer creates computer programs for people to use based upon their security and functionality needs. A DevOps engineer also works on computer applications, but manages the building, deployment and operation as a(74) autormated process. Software engineers often work separately from the operations side of a business. They create the software a business client needs and then monitor the performance of their software products to determine if upgrades are necessary or if more serious improvements are needed. DevOps engineers work with the operational side of a business and manage the workflow to (75) software tosmoothly function with automated processes. Both professions require knowledge of computer programming languages.
A、 develop
B、 integrate
C、 analyse
D、 maintain



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