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2018年11月 软件设计师 上午题之二十五

作者:wx611cbc2c011022023-11-26 01:00:13
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摘要:对于【软件设计师】软考考试而言,真题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透真题、掌握真题所考知识点、熟悉真题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对真题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2018年11月 软件设计师 上午题】部分真题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、The project workbook is not so much a se

摘要:对于【软件设计师】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2018年11月 软件设计师 上午题】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~

1、The project workbook is not so much a separate document as it is a structure imposed on the documents that the project will be producing anyway.All the documents of the project need to be part of this ( ). This includes objectives ,external specifications , interface specifications , technical standards , internal specifications and administrative memoranda(备忘录).Technical prose is almost immortal. If one examines the genealogy ( Ff ) of a customer manual for a piece of hardware or software , one can trace not only the ideas , but also many of the very sentences and paragraphs back to the first ( ) proposing the product or explaining the first design. For the technical writer, the paste-pot is as mighty as the pen.Since this is so, and since tomorrow's product-quality manuals will grow from today’s memos, it is very important to get the structure of the documentation right. The early design of the project (请作答此空) ensures that the documentation structure itself is crafted, not haphazard. Moreover, the establishment of a structure molds later writing into segments that fit into that structure.The second reason for the project workbook is control of the distribution of ( ). The problem is not to restrict information, but to ensure that relevant information gets to all the people who need it.The first step is to number all memoranda, so that ordered lists of titles are available and h worker can see if he has what he wants. The organization of the workbook goes well beyond this to establish a tree-structure of memoranda. The ( ) allows distribution lists to be maintained by subtree, if that is desirable.
A、 title
B、 list
C、 workbook
D、 quality



项目工作手册与其说是一个独立的文档,倒不如说它是一种加在文档上的( ),项目会按照项目工作手册来实施。


技术文档是其中至关重要的部分。如果客户通过用户手册去搜寻硬件或软件的信息,他不止能找到简单的描述还能找到关于项目计划与初步设计方面的( )。对于技术文档工程师来说糊锅跟笔一样重要。


再者,项目工作手册也能控制( )的分发,它不是严格限制分发而是把信息传递给需要它的人。

第一步要给所有备忘录进行编号,形成一个列表,工作手册再把这些备忘录建立一个树形结构。如有必要则在此( )基础上形成分发列表的子结构。

A.标题 B.列表 C.工作手册 D.质量

2、The project workbook is not so much a separate document as it is a structure imposed on the documents that the project will be producing anyway.All the documents of the project need to be part of this ( ). This includes objectives ,external specifications , interface specifications , technical standards , internal specifications and administrative memoranda(备忘录).Technical prose is almost immortal. If one examines the genealogy ( Ff ) of a customer manual for a piece of hardware or software , one can trace not only the ideas , but also many of the very sentences and paragraphs back to the first ( ) proposing the product or explaining the first design. For the technical writer, the paste-pot is as mighty as the pen.Since this is so, and since tomorrow's product-quality manuals will grow from today’s memos, it is very important to get the structure of the documentation right. The early design of the project ( ) ensures that the documentation structure itself is crafted, not haphazard. Moreover, the establishment of a structure molds later writing into segments that fit into that structure.The second reason for the project workbook is control of the distribution of (请作答此空). The problem is not to restrict information, but to ensure that relevant information gets to all the people who need it.The first step is to number all memoranda, so that ordered lists of titles are available and h worker can see if he has what he wants. The organization of the workbook goes well beyond this to establish a tree-structure of memoranda. The ( ) allows distribution lists to be maintained by subtree, if that is desirable.
A、 product
B、 manual
C、 document
D、 information



项目工作手册与其说是一个独立的文档,倒不如说它是一种加在文档上的( ),项目会按照项目工作手册来实施。


技术文档是其中至关重要的部分。如果客户通过用户手册去搜寻硬件或软件的信息,他不止能找到简单的描述还能找到关于项目计划与初步设计方面的( )。对于技术文档工程师来说糊锅跟笔一样重要。

鉴于项目质量手册出自出自于这些备忘录,那么建立正确的文档结构尤为重要。早期的项目( )可以确保文档的结构被精心制作而不是被粗制滥造。更进一步说文档结构的建立也给后续的书写工作提供一个模板。


第一步要给所有备忘录进行编号,形成一个列表,工作手册再把这些备忘录建立一个树形结构。如有必要则在此( )基础上形成分发列表的子结构。

A.产品 B.手册 C.文档 D.信息

3、The project workbook is not so much a separate document as it is a structure imposed on the documents that the project will be producing anyway.All the documents of the project need to be part of this ( ). This includes objectives ,external specifications , interface specifications , technical standards , internal specifications and administrative memoranda(备忘录).Technical prose is almost immortal. If one examines the genealogy ( Ff ) of a customer manual for a piece of hardware or software , one can trace not only the ideas , but also many of the very sentences and paragraphs back to the first ( ) proposing the product or explaining the first design. For the technical writer, the paste-pot is as mighty as the pen.Since this is so, and since tomorrow's product-quality manuals will grow from today’s memos, it is very important to get the structure of the documentation right. The early design of the project ( ) ensures that the documentation structure itself is crafted, not haphazard. Moreover, the establishment of a structure molds later writing into segments that fit into that structure.The second reason for the project workbook is control of the distribution of ( ). The problem is not to restrict information, but to ensure that relevant information gets to all the people who need it.The first step is to number all memoranda, so that ordered lists of titles are available and h worker can see if he has what he wants. The organization of the workbook goes well beyond this to establish a tree-structure of memoranda. The (请作答此空) allows distribution lists to be maintained by subtree, if that is desirable.
A、 list
B、 document
C、 tree-structure
D、 number



项目工作手册与其说是一个独立的文档,倒不如说它是一种加在文档上的( ),项目会按照项目工作手册来实施。


技术文档是其中至关重要的部分。如果客户通过用户手册去搜寻硬件或软件的信息,他不止能找到简单的描述还能找到关于项目计划与初步设计方面的( )。对于技术文档工程师来说糊锅跟笔一样重要。

鉴于项目质量手册出自出自于这些备忘录,那么建立正确的文档结构尤为重要。早期的项目( )可以确保文档的结构被精心制作而不是被粗制滥造。更进一步说文档结构的建立也给后续的书写工作提供一个模板。

再者,项目工作手册也能控制( )的分发,它不是严格限制分发而是把信息传递给需要它的人。


A.列表 B.文档 C.树形结构 D.号码

