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2014年5月 网络管理员 上午题之二十五

作者:wx6225b14cdec172023-10-26 01:00:11
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摘要:对于【网络管理员】软考考试而言,真题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透真题、掌握真题所考知识点、熟悉真题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对真题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2014年5月 网络管理员 上午题】部分真题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、Together with the network layer,the trans

摘要:对于【网络管理员】软考考试而言,试题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透试题、掌握试题所考知识点、熟悉试题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对试题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【2014年5月 网络管理员 上午题】部分试题的详解,一起来看看吧~

1、Together with the network layer,the transport layer is the heart of the protocol ( ).The network layer provides end-to-end () delivery using datagrams or virtual circuits.The transport layer builds on the network layer to provide data transport from a process on a (请作答此空) machine to a process on a destination machine with a desired level of reliability that is independent of the physical () currently in use.It provides the abstractions that applications nedd to use the network..Without the () layer,the whole concept of layered protocols would make little sense.
A、 connection
B、 terminal
C、 source
D、 destination


2、Together with the network layer,the transport layer is the heart of the protocol ( ).The network layer provides end-to-end () delivery using datagrams or virtual circuits.The transport layer builds on the network layer to provide data transport from a process on a () machine to a process on a destination machine with a desired level of reliability that is independent of the physical (请作答此空) currently in use.It provides the abstractions that applications nedd to use the network..Without the () layer,the whole concept of layered protocols would make little sense.
A、 traffic
B、 connection
C、 lines
D、 networks


3、Together with the network layer,the transport layer is the heart of the protocol ( ).The network layer provides end-to-end () delivery using datagrams or virtual circuits.The transport layer builds on the network layer to provide data transport from a process on a () machine to a process on a destination machine with a desired level of reliability that is independent of the physical () currently in use.It provides the abstractions that applications nedd to use the network..Without the (请作答此空) layer,the whole concept of layered protocols would make little sense.
A、 network
B、 transport
C、 link
D、 physical



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