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备考咨询 刷题指导

摘要:对于【信息系统监理师】软考考试而言,真题无疑是最重要的学习资料之一。在软考备考过程中,吃透真题、掌握真题所考知识点、熟悉真题的出题思路,对我们提升分数的效果是最明显的,通过对真题的反复练习,还可以查漏补缺。今天,给大家带来【【真题】2006年上半年信息系统监理师(上午)】部分真题的详解,一起来看看吧~1、请作答70题。Originally introduced by N

1、请作答70题。Originally introduced by Netscape Communications, (66) are a general mechanism which HTTP Server side applications, such as CGI (67) , can use to both store and retrieve information on the HTTP (68) side of the connection. Basically, Cookies can be used to compensate for the (69) nature of HTTP. The addition of a simple, persistent, client-side state significantly extends the capabilities of WWW-based (70) .
A、 programs
B、 applications
C、 frameworks
D、 constrains
2、请作答71题。WebSQL is a SQL-like (71) language for extracting information from the web. Its capabilities for performing navigation of web (72) make it a useful tool for automating several web-related tasks that require the systematic processing of either all the links in a (73), all the pages that can be reached from a given URL through (74) that match a pattern, or a combination of both. WebSQL also provides transparent access to index servers that can be queried via the Common (75) Interface.
A、 query
B、 transaction
C、 communication
D、 programming
3、请作答72题。WebSQL is a SQL-like (71) language for extracting information from the web. Its capabilities for performing navigation of web (72) make it a useful tool for automating several web-related tasks that require the systematic processing of either all the links in a (73), all the pages that can be reached from a given URL through (74) that match a pattern, or a combination of both. WebSQL also provides transparent access to index servers that can be queried via the Common (75) Interface.
A、 browsers
B、 servers
C、 hypertexts
D、 clients
1、请作答70题。Originally introduced by Netscape Communications, (66) are a general mechanism which HTTP Server side applications, such as CGI (67) , can use to both store and retrieve information on the HTTP (68) side of the connection. Basically, Cookies can be used to compensate for the (69) nature of HTTP. The addition of a simple, persistent, client-side state significantly extends the capabilities of WWW-based (70) .
A、 programs
B、 applications
C、 frameworks
D、 constrains
2、请作答71题。WebSQL is a SQL-like (71) language for extracting information from the web. Its capabilities for performing navigation of web (72) make it a useful tool for automating several web-related tasks that require the systematic processing of either all the links in a (73), all the pages that can be reached from a given URL through (74) that match a pattern, or a combination of both. WebSQL also provides transparent access to index servers that can be queried via the Common (75) Interface.
A、 query
B、 transaction
C、 communication
D、 programming
WebSQL是一种类SQL的查询语言,可用于从Web中提取信息。其执行web 超文本导航功能,使之成为需要系统化处理一个页面和模式匹配路径下给定的URL的所有页面的所有链接的几个与web相关的任务的有用工具。WebSQL也支持透明访问通过公共网关接口查询到的索引服务器的功能。
3、请作答72题。WebSQL is a SQL-like (71) language for extracting information from the web. Its capabilities for performing navigation of web (72) make it a useful tool for automating several web-related tasks that require the systematic processing of either all the links in a (73), all the pages that can be reached from a given URL through (74) that match a pattern, or a combination of both. WebSQL also provides transparent access to index servers that can be queried via the Common (75) Interface.
A、 browsers
B、 servers
C、 hypertexts
D、 clients
WebSQL是一种类SQL的查询语言,可用于从Web中提取信息。其执行web 超文本导航功能,使之成为需要系统化处理一个页面和模式匹配路径下给定的URL的所有页面的所有链接的几个与web相关的任务的有用工具。WebSQL也支持透明访问通过公共网关接口查询到的索引服务器的功能。
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